Freeroam Stats

This page consists of Freeroam stats and player tops that do not consist of ratios.
Check Freeroam Rankings for rankings of the top 50 most active players in Freeroam this season.

254 users have played on Freeroam this season
317 hours have been played on Freeroam in total this season
136 respect points have been earned today by 2 players (68 on average)

Most respect points earned today (player)
Player Respect
civil 63

Most respect points earned today (gang)
Gang Respect

Most respect points earned this week (player)
Player Respect
Ragerunner 1134
summerseasonsamp 1105
cawa 979
chain 629
tanugiwww 582
jay 508
korelzIZiziZ 483
47_ 474
genagorin 456

Most respect points earned this week (gang)
Gang Respect
Slaughter Gang 1530
no Snitch 1390
Grave Diggers 1103
AfterMath 936
Honest War Killers 558
Thetra hydro Cannabiloids 391
TeaM eXtreme KiLLeRz 225
PATO 155

Highest daily respect this season (player)
Player Respect Date
Semen_Olegovich3 2517 2024-11-07
Ch1p4s4ZQ 2234 2024-11-23
Ragerunner 2185 2024-11-05
eclips3 1658 2024-11-07
mamaaqui 1642 2024-11-09
Ch1p4s4ZQ 1562 2024-11-05
Ragerunner 1400 2024-11-07
eclips3 1396 2024-11-17
47_ 1368 2024-11-05
Ch1p4s4ZQ 1271 2024-11-07

Highest daily respect this season (gang)
Gang Respect Date
4uHa3ec 2890 2024-11-07
RACISTS SQUAD 2435 2024-11-05
Thetra hydro Cannabiloids 2431 2024-11-05
Thetra hydro Cannabiloids 2234 2024-11-23
killing for fun 1658 2024-11-07
Thetra hydro Cannabiloids 1435 2024-12-15
Thetra hydro Cannabiloids 1403 2024-11-22
RACISTS SQUAD 1400 2024-11-07
killing for fun 1396 2024-11-17
Grave Diggers 1368 2024-11-05

Highest map damage (season)
Player Damage Date
Semen_Olegovich3 9910 2024-11-07
Semen_Olegovich3 8411 2024-11-07
Semen_Olegovich3 7315 2024-11-07
Semen_Olegovich3 7147 2024-11-07
daminko 6901 2024-11-16
eclips3 6793 2024-11-07
cawa 6572 2024-12-20
Ragerunner 6457 2024-11-07
chain 6423 2024-12-09
euph0ry 6244 2024-11-18

Highest map damage (all-time)
Player Damage
painmaker 10937
Semen_Olegovich3 10875
volkstyne 10805
sant 9877
mccrakin 9523
ja_don 9394
KU3 9355
zone 9204

Most popular skin this season
Skin ID 230 is used by 75 players Skin ID 176 is used by 33 players Skin ID 170 is used by 32 players Skin ID 53 is used by 13 players Skin ID 137 is used by 8 players

Most popular skill this season
Skill Points
Vitality 27
Restoration 10
Robbery 9
Strength 3
Accuracy 1