Freeroam Rankings

This page consists of extra rankings that do not make up Ladders
Each table displays data from the top 50 most active players in the current season

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Playtime & Damage
Kills & Deaths
Respect & K/D Rates
Name Hours Played (Season) Hours Played (Total) Avg. Map Damage
666 0.47 0.47 4,280
artemm 0.44 1.22 4,102
Space_XD 0.44 3.49 3,055
viktor 0.38 40.24 3,559
RUNTHEJEWELS 0.29 803.73 3,554
poyagorda69 0.40 14.92 3,252
markus 0.24 44.49 4,542
teamxtremenigger 0.11 2.29 5,443
ImTheDanger 0.47 7.08 2,203 *
etzer 0.34 60.49 2,795
vamp5tar 0.24 11.88 2,185
galaxyy 0.12 271.40 3,089
sCORE 0.27 0.27 2,307
Ch1p4s4ZQ 0.19 435.97 1,851 *
Ricardihno57 0.10 251.56 3,410
spas_player123 0.10 309.84 3,624
riwz 0.28 0.29 1,414
BOP_B_3AKOHE 0.28 3.98 696
ewency 0.09 28.27 1,315
yupiliano69 0.08 0.08 329
emma 0.11 1.83 0

* inaccurate value because the player is currently online