Freeroam Stats

This page consists of Freeroam stats and player tops that do not consist of ratios.
Check Freeroam Rankings for rankings of the top 50 most active players in Freeroam this season.

82 users have played on Freeroam this season
80 hours have been played on Freeroam in total this season
2,015 respect points have been earned today by 7 players (288 on average)

Most respect points earned today (player)
Player Respect
Darkweaver 517
jula 339
wings 291
dN.Alba 276
VIS2_90x 214
dewa_)) 202
arrrayayay 176

Most respect points earned today (gang)
Gang Respect
doublepenetration 339
PATO 202

Most respect points earned this week (player)
Player Respect
Darkweaver 517
jula 339
wings 291
dN.Alba 276
VIS2_90x 214
dewa_)) 202
arrrayayay 176

Most respect points earned this week (gang)
Gang Respect
doublepenetration 339
PATO 202

Highest daily respect this season (player)
Player Respect Date
alabama=) 2450 2024-12-29
Darkweaver 2360 2024-12-28
T_T 1758 2024-12-28
Darkweaver 1591 2024-12-29
Ch1p4s4ZQ 1452 2024-12-29
Ch1p4s4ZQ 1447 2024-12-28
XeNOS 1283 2024-12-28
wings 1266 2024-12-29
alabama=) 1155 2024-12-28
euph0ry 1145 2024-12-28

Highest daily respect this season (gang)
Gang Respect Date
Thetra hydro Cannabiloids 4290 2024-12-29
Thetra hydro Cannabiloids 2953 2024-12-28
RACISTS SQUAD 2340 2024-12-28
zerolibidogang 2178 2024-12-28
BitcheZ 2017 2024-12-28
RACISTS SQUAD 1591 2024-12-29
AfterMath 1555 2024-12-29
2.0pACKETLOSS 1482 2024-12-29
Honest War Killers 1291 2024-12-28
TASTEtheCOCK 1145 2024-12-28

Highest map damage (season)
Player Damage Date
T_T 7858 2024-12-28
T_T 7531 2024-12-28
euph0ry 7158 2024-12-30
euph0ry 6532 2024-12-28
T_T 6262 2024-12-28
euph0ry 5811 2024-12-28
jay 5731 2024-12-28
Darkweaver 5564 2025-01-01
Darkweaver 5141 2024-12-29
XeNOS 5090 2024-12-28

Highest map damage (all-time)
Player Damage
painmaker 10937
T_T 10875
volkstyne 10805
sant 9877
mccrakin 9523
ja_don 9394
KU3 9355
zone 9204

Most popular skin this season
Skin ID 230 is used by 21 players Skin ID 170 is used by 11 players Skin ID 53 is used by 6 players Skin ID 176 is used by 6 players Skin ID 134 is used by 4 players

Most popular skill this season
Skill Points
Robbery 4
Restoration 2
Strength 1
Accuracy 1
Vitality 0