Freeroam Rankings

This page consists of extra rankings that do not make up Ladders
Each table displays data from the top 50 most active players in the current season

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Playtime & Damage
Kills & Deaths
Respect & K/D Rates
Name Hours Played (Season) Hours Played (Total) Avg. Map Damage
Ch1p4s4ZQ 11.67 390.49 1,849 *
Ragerunner 4.25 794.35 4,456
Semka_Sampov2 1.44 110.39 7,766
mamaaqui 3.05 30.66 3,966
daminko 2.17 123.47 4,545 *
elmacsi 4.22 336.32 2,723
47_ 2.46 357.12 3,717
frank_white 1.68 24.01 5,170
wings 4.43 42.12 2,291
miguel_lacra 1.96 230.28 3,906
sampster 2.53 20.58 2,483
tanugiwww 1.83 21.04 3,214
azka 1.86 104.70 2,970 *
krs. 1.62 298.60 3,061
galaxyy 2.17 267.81 2,652
06Simo 1.64 83.21 2,847
oldeaf 1.61 48.59 2,527
poyagorda69 1.93 2.92 2,385
Guineo 1.46 136.85 3,608
plastiqo 1.50 1.50 2,823
shket 1.36 2.30 3,137
ELNEYMARASO 1.16 250.11 3,447
tankov 1.13 1.13 3,796
vyrus 1.15 19.71 3,123 *
BBBBBBBBBBBBB 0.75 307.18 5,256 *
sekussu 1.27 3.28 2,251
Myshka_shyshka 0.75 141.75 5,269
NighTcore. 1.51 40.39 1,941
Gotsawe 1.20 47.71 2,194
RoC.magnum_ 0.64 7.30 3,677
ewency 0.91 27.05 3,549
Firebeatz 0.93 153.03 2,977
POLAT_ALEMDAR 0.61 249.03 3,916
Terry_Davis 0.55 177.77 3,374
sigmato. 0.60 69.94 3,207
strange 0.86 0.90 2,209
neDi 0.38 1.05 4,860
ALEC__ 0.63 1.37 2,781
chain 0.57 225.19 3,435
higo 0.39 28.55 3,043
brunogomez19_ 0.63 41.25 1,866 *
ElenAg 0.71 41.59 1,278
dewa_)) 0.49 105.60 689
sW]Felix 0.40 3.56 2,075
mikotocore 0.51 0.51 863
rzk 0.72 76.06 1,017
rxxsr 0.50 0.50 963 0.35 0.35 1,361
eurEKA 0.39 34.65 804
durman 1.53 5.00 132

* inaccurate value because the player is currently online