Freeroam Rankings

This page consists of extra rankings that do not make up Ladders
Each table displays data from the top 50 most active players in the current season

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Playtime & Damage
Kills & Deaths
Respect & K/D Rates
Name Hours Played (Season) Hours Played (Total) Avg. Map Damage
Semen_Olegovich3 1.11 112.51 7,264
Ragerunner 0.29 796.01 24,434 *
wings 3.52 64.91 2,069
Ch1p4s4ZQ 2.84 419.86 1,598
poyagorda69 1.76 10.50 3,374
signalSOS 0.74 71.26 4,569 *
beast 0.37 46.90 8,182 *
chimbala 0.75 51.78 3,342
etzer 0.87 59.86 2,637
devonAoki 0.61 111.61 3,527 *
mccrakin 0.44 309.13 5,395 *
N4p4s4ZQ 0.24 28.33 10,558 *
$$_Omerta_$$ 0.39 203.15 4,722
dN.Alba 0.50 1.43 2,969
dr1 0.48 1.65 2,713
kochamstopy 0.25 143.23 4,427
DamageDz 0.17 4.01 4,363
aaaa.cs 0.36 57.74 1,032 *
Savoka_Corleone 0.20 0.20 0
aln27 0.15 0.15 538
leha_dolmatov 0.11 0.54 1,740

* inaccurate value because the player is currently online