Freeroam Rankings

This page consists of extra rankings that do not make up Ladders
Each table displays data from the top 50 most active players in the current season

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Playtime & Damage
Kills & Deaths
Respect & K/D Rates
Name Hours Played (Season) Hours Played (Total) Avg. Map Damage
volk 21.74 335.06 7,197
painmaker 19.26 551.91 7,277
cawa 21.91 304.43 5,162
SneaK 32.17 72.21 2,792
_Oleg_ 16.60 53.06 5,821
Shadowfury 17.47 656.94 5,503
spice 12.77 12.77 4,294
gooldeboca 17.79 241.08 3,121
comrademichael 16.31 45.83 3,228
Krizz 15.25 76.29 2,682
euph0ry 6.26 297.73 5,832
robloxguy 6.32 123.27 5,500
ZeNo 7.74 81.99 4,207
CTRECHIK 10.65 47.92 3,133
elokta. 8.89 115.92 3,618
Gotsawe 9.76 25.41 3,118
deuz_ 5.65 186.41 5,355
ROBERTOCARLOS 5.58 7.42 5,413
vladimir 4.10 36.62 6,919
jay 4.54 537.10 5,892
solds 5.07 11.37 4,991
NaP3R 6.68 6.68 4,035
Ricardihno 8.19 196.98 3,505
GTATakeshi 4.96 282.56 4,741
grima 5.53 54.56 4,173
BuLLetx 12.76 31.12 1,915
kyoto 6.54 17.30 3,154
BBBBBBBBBB 3.86 270.51 5,792
SelfControl 4.48 14.81 4,373
OrazioGrinzosi 6.79 10.70 3,361
undertaker) 11.92 21.23 1,583
geekz 7.83 73.27 2,788
shane 3.62 148.07 5,305
budgie 5.53 51.40 3,671
YVN_KXX 6.68 15.61 3,155
password 5.39 29.26 3,541
Firebeatz 7.05 140.40 2,878
gath3ring 5.05 20.35 3,353
Finlinno 6.23 6.23 2,861
flores 3.59 12.58 4,251
YelanMain 3.86 50.91 3,787
weezy 3.45 58.23 3,737
krS. 4.49 233.43 2,847
copyninja1983 5.19 8.18 2,157
dripping_tear 3.47 3.47 3,400
spk.strange 5.09 16.24 1,758
oaky 3.58 15.99 2,305
NEZAR 3.77 59.07 2,481
vTr420 3.70 10.48 2,152
raikav2 3.91 4.00 1,979

* inaccurate value because the player is currently online