The Gang that has the most respect in a zone takes the First place, and is therefore the owner of the zone.
Gangs that score less than 30 Respect aren't eligible to capture the zone and do not get any money or color votes on Payday.
The respect of these zones is based off the Gang's Recent Respect (14 days), so you need to be active to maintain the zones under your control!
The* indicates that the gang doesn't have enough respect in that zone.
Gangs that score less than 30 Respect aren't eligible to capture the zone and do not get any money or color votes on Payday.
The respect of these zones is based off the Gang's Recent Respect (14 days), so you need to be active to maintain the zones under your control!
1Unity Stationzlg
(46)-2Doherty* 2pL (9)-3Yellow Bell Station-4Bayside Marina-5Bayside-6Battery Point-7Paradiso-8Santa Flora* 2pL (13)-9Palisades-10City HallThC
(33)-11Ocean Flats-12Foster Valley-13Hashbury-14Juniper Hollow* 2pL (4)-15Esplanade Northsg
(238)-16Financial-17Calton Heights-18DowntownThC
(35)* gD (10)* HWK (10)-19Juniper Hill2pL
(104)-23Easter Bay Airport-24Easter Basin-25Esplanade East-26Angel Pine-27Shady Cabin-28Back o Beyond-29Leafy Hollow-30Flint Range-31Fallen Tree-32The Farm-33El Quebrados-34Aldea Malvada-35The Sherman Dam-36Las Barrancas-37Fort Carson* ThC (15)-38Hunter Quarry-39Octane Springs-40Green PalmsHWK
(268)-41Regular Tom-42Las Brujas-43Verdant Meadows-44Las Payasadas* eotl (9)-45Arco del Oeste-46Hankypanky Point-47Palomino CreekgD
(142)-48North Rock-49MontgomeryThC
(117)-50Hampton Barns-51Fern Ridge-52Dillimore-53Hilltop Farm-54Blueberry-55The Panopticon-56Frederick Bridge-57The Mako Span-58Blueberry AcresThC
(135)-59Martin Bridge-60Fallow Bridge-61Shady Creeks-62QueensThC
(50)-63Gant Bridge-64Easter Bay Chemicals-65Los Santos InternationalThC
(149)-66Verdant BluffsThC
(142)-67El CoronaPATO
(155)-69Ocean Docks-70Marina* RsQ (18)-71Verona BeachRsQ
(66)-72Conference CenterHWK
(96)-74Pershing Square-75Little MexicoRsQ
(253)-77Glen Parkk4f
(43)* LTM (28)* sg (27)-79Las Colinas-80Gantonsg
(46)* ThC (6)-81East Beach-82East Los SantosLTM
(34)-83Los Flores-84Downtown Los Santos* 2pL (21)* PATO (6)-85Mulholland Intersection-86Mulholland-87MarketHWK
(129)-88Vinewood* ThC (20)-89Temple-90Santa Maria Beachsg
(146)* vG (11)-92Richman-93The Strip-94The Four Dragons Casino-95The Pink Swan-96The High Roller-97Pirates in Men's Pants-98The VisageLTM
(36)-99Julius Thruway South-100Julius Thruway West-101Rockshore EastINV
(118)-103The Camel's Toe-104Royal Casino-105Caligula's Palace-106Pilgrim-107Starfish Casinosg
(30)* HWK (17)-108The Emerald IsleThC
(171)* HWK (6)* INV (3)-109Old Venturas Strip2pL
(40)* HWK (11)* sg (5)-110K.A.C.C. Military Fuels-111Creek-112Sobell Rail Yards-113Linden Station-114Julius Thruway East-115Linden Side-116Julius Thruway North-117Harry Gold Parkway-118Redsands East-119Redsands West-120Las Venturas Airport-121LVA Freight Depot-122Blackfield Intersection-123Greenglass College-124Blackfield-125Roca EscalanteHWK
(124)-126Last Dime Motel-127Rockshore West-128Randolph Industrial Estate-129Blackfield Chapel-130Pilson Intersection-131Whitewood Estates-132Prickle Pine-133Spinybed-134San Andreas Sound-135Fisher's Lagoon-136Garver Bridge-137Kincaid Bridge-138Los Santos Inlet-139Sherman Reservoir-140Flint Water-141Easter Tunnel-142Bayside Tunnel-143'The Big Ear'-144Lil' Probe Inn-145Valle Ocultado-146Cranberry Station-147San Fierro Bay-148El Castillo del Diablo-149Restricted Area-150Montgomery Intersection-151Robada Intersection-152Flint Intersection-153Market Station-154Avispa Country ClubLTM
(191)-155Missionary Hill2pL
(79)-156Mount Chiliad* ThC (5)-157Yellow Bell Golf Course-158Beacon Hill-159Playa del Seville* k4f (10)-160The Clown's Pocket-161Red CountyThC
(377)-162Flint County-163San FierroLTM
(50)-165Tierra Robada-166Bone County* ThC (15)* eotl (9)-167Los Santossg
(1236)-168Las VenturasHWK
(514)-169Race: Tour de Los Santos-170Race: Fun: Beach Tour-171Race: Fun: Beach Circle-172Race: Quad Bouncer-173Race: Beach Tour-174Race: -175Race: Shopping Tour-176Race: Just To: Mad Doggs-177Race: Just To: Film Studios-178Race: Pot race-179Race: Dirty Gras-180Race: Just To: Lighthouse-181Race: Just To: Old Farm-182Race: San Fierro-183Race: SF City Tours-184Race: -185Race: Just To: Radio Tower-186Race: Crossways-187Race: Little Journey-188Race: Just To: SF Airport-189Race: Backstreet-190Race: Fun: Golf-191Race: Fun: Backyards-192Race: Just To: the Football-193Race: Las Venturas-194Race: Casino Tour-195Race: Airport Run-196Race: Magic Bullet-197Race: Just To: CJs-198Race: Just To: Airport Ruin-199Race: Mount Chiliad-200Race: Road to hell-201Race: Off the Track-202Race: Dirty Desert-203Race: Just To: El Quebrados-204Race: To Area 51-205Race: Just To: The Big Ear-206Race: Country Road-207Race: Over the hills-208Race: Country village-209Race: Just To: LV Airport-210Race: Kart race-211Race: Fun: Desert Road-212Race: Fun: Desert Circles-213Race: Fun: Big Red Bridge-214Race: Fun: Through Valley-215Race: Fun: Valley Circles-216Race: Fun: Tunnel-217Race: Fun: Parking-lot-218Race: Bridge Crossing-219Race: Pass the Desert-220Race: City to Nature-221Race: Through the city-222Race: Back O Beyond-223Race: Bayside Bullet-224Race: Rockshore-225Race: Fun: FleischBerg-226Race: NRG SF-LS-227Race: NRG - Docks-228Race: Blista Compact-229Race: Crazy Desert-230Race: Elegant Elegy-231Race: The Fastest-232Race: Catch me-233Race: Monster Offroad-234Race: JustTo: Easter Basin-235Fight: Golf Course-236Fight: Ganton-237Fight: Docks-238Fight: Car Dealer-239Fight: Tankship-240Fight: Fallen Tree-241Fight: Last Dime Motel-242Fight: Pyramide-243Fight: Marihuana Farm-244Fight: Transformer Station-245Fight: Palomino Creek-246Fight: 3 Towers-247Fight: Driving School-248Fight: The Pink Room-249Fight: Old farm-250Fight: Tennis-251Fight: Otherside Docks-252Fight: V-RockHotel-253Fight: FleischBerg-254Fight: Cemetery-255Fight: Farmfighter-256Fight: Parking-257Fight: Drugs-258Fight: Motel-259Fight: Industrial Estate-260Fight: Fightpark-261Fight: Market-262Fight: Downtown Sniper-
(33)-11Ocean Flats-12Foster Valley-13Hashbury-14Juniper Hollow
(238)-16Financial-17Calton Heights-18Downtown
(104)-23Easter Bay Airport-24Easter Basin-25Esplanade East-26Angel Pine-27Shady Cabin-28Back o Beyond-29Leafy Hollow-30Flint Range-31Fallen Tree-32The Farm-33El Quebrados-34Aldea Malvada-35The Sherman Dam-36Las Barrancas-37Fort Carson
(268)-41Regular Tom-42Las Brujas-43Verdant Meadows-44Las Payasadas
(142)-48North Rock-49Montgomery
(117)-50Hampton Barns-51Fern Ridge-52Dillimore-53Hilltop Farm-54Blueberry-55The Panopticon-56Frederick Bridge-57The Mako Span-58Blueberry Acres
(135)-59Martin Bridge-60Fallow Bridge-61Shady Creeks-62Queens
(50)-63Gant Bridge-64Easter Bay Chemicals-65Los Santos International
(149)-66Verdant Bluffs
(142)-67El Corona
(155)-69Ocean Docks-70Marina
(66)-72Conference Center
(96)-74Pershing Square-75Little Mexico
(253)-77Glen Park
(34)-83Los Flores-84Downtown Los Santos
(36)-99Julius Thruway South-100Julius Thruway West-101Rockshore East
(118)-103The Camel's Toe-104Royal Casino-105Caligula's Palace-106Pilgrim-107Starfish Casino
(124)-126Last Dime Motel-127Rockshore West-128Randolph Industrial Estate-129Blackfield Chapel-130Pilson Intersection-131Whitewood Estates-132Prickle Pine-133Spinybed-134San Andreas Sound-135Fisher's Lagoon-136Garver Bridge-137Kincaid Bridge-138Los Santos Inlet-139Sherman Reservoir-140Flint Water-141Easter Tunnel-142Bayside Tunnel-143'The Big Ear'-144Lil' Probe Inn-145Valle Ocultado-146Cranberry Station-147San Fierro Bay-148El Castillo del Diablo-149Restricted Area-150Montgomery Intersection-151Robada Intersection-152Flint Intersection-153Market Station-154Avispa Country Club
(191)-155Missionary Hill
(79)-156Mount Chiliad
(377)-162Flint County-163San Fierro
(50)-165Tierra Robada-166Bone County
(1236)-168Las Venturas
(514)-169Race: Tour de Los Santos-170Race: Fun: Beach Tour-171Race: Fun: Beach Circle-172Race: Quad Bouncer-173Race: Beach Tour-174Race: