AAD Match Report

Name Rounds Damage Kills Deaths
suchodolski 7 1767 2 7
shane 8 1454 4 7
arrrayayay 8 1003 2 8
raank_ 7 890 2 6
Guineo 7 760 3 7
bot47 4 513 3 4
dimon_gipotenuza 8 491 1 8
VladSkovorodka 2 184 0 2
higo 2 119 0 2
Vaple 2 57 0 2
Name Rounds Damage Kills Deaths
KANSAiO2 8 2381 12 2
POLAT_ALEMDAR 8 1894 8 2
BLODING2k 8 1825 6 5
euph0ry 8 1479 5 2
Sundi 8 1181 7 3
DamageDz 7 975 6 1
champagnepapi 7 955 13 2
hilmnab 4 950 1 2
igbo 5 623 1 4
SelfControl 2 411 1 1
noob 2 245 2 2
Semka_Sampov2 1 111 0 0
be 8 - 1 ah
Most damage KANSAiO22381
Most kills champagnepapi13
Highest Damage Ratio KANSAiO22.31
Highest K/D Ratio champagnepapi6.50
Match TypeTCW
Avg. Round Duration02:37

The website match stats will not correspond to the ones displayed in-game if there are any rounds played with less than 3 players per team.
Total damages might be slightly higher than the ones displayed in-game because the round damage is rounded.