AAD Match Report

Name Rounds Damage Kills Deaths
hilmnab 9 2213 13 6
BLODING2k 9 1841 9 5
zyph_ 9 1806 10 3
suckmdick 8 1690 6 5
bot47 9 1232 7 5
samuuzz 9 1148 6 2
arrrayayay 7 1122 4 6
KANSAiO2 6 1095 3 3
Mr.Zyph 4 715 4 1
Name Rounds Damage Kills Deaths
shane 9 2153 5 9
SelfControl 9 2027 3 8
Semka_Sampov2 9 1488 4 9
euph0ry 9 1409 5 8
sigmato. 5 1299 8 5
higo 9 1160 7 7
dimon_gipotenuza 9 1104 2 9
EVOLV3 8 937 5 8
DamageDz 5 909 3 1
Bull. 3 293 0 3
civil 2 72 1 2
suchodolski 1 32 0 0
majinboo11 1 0 0 0
a 7 - 2 b
Most damage hilmnab2213
Most kills hilmnab13
Highest Damage Ratio zyph_1.53
Highest K/D Ratio Mr.Zyph4.00
Match TypeTCW
Avg. Round Duration03:27

The website match stats will not correspond to the ones displayed in-game if there are any rounds played with less than 3 players per team.
Total damages might be slightly higher than the ones displayed in-game because the round damage is rounded.