AAD Match Report

Name Rounds Damage Kills Deaths
T_T 9 2636 21 5
beast 9 2544 14 5
pride 9 1973 6 3
hadouken 9 1719 5 6
chestbrah 6 1293 9 1
onyxmarasoTV 8 1087 2 5
silentwolf.exe 6 612 3 3
Lorito 2 109 0 0
Name Rounds Damage Kills Deaths
Zubr 9 2333 13 9
osvaldo_gerson 9 2040 6 8
strange 9 1264 2 9
oldeaf 9 891 3 9
meduzio1337 4 768 3 4
dewa_)) 8 708 2 6
DamageDz 4 639 2 4
veite 5 425 0 5
47_ 3 354 0 3
AugustoPinochet 3 331 2 3
PWN3D 2 218 1 1
ALEC__ 3 141 2 3
geekzz 1 11 0 1
a 8 - 1 b
Most damage T_T2636
Most kills T_T21
Highest Damage Ratio chestbrah2.11
Highest K/D Ratio chestbrah9.00
Match TypeTCW
Avg. Round Duration03:02

The website match stats will not correspond to the ones displayed in-game if there are any rounds played with less than 3 players per team.
Total damages might be slightly higher than the ones displayed in-game because the round damage is rounded.