just imagine.
frozen for ramming ppl with a supply vehicle, the autistic fanboy chasing on the previous map is allowed though
Good gtat video, if you posted this in 2012 it could be the best gtat frag ever and you would become famous. (no joke)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU3PMNtjOWY why not show the part where youre ramming people with supply car
shams died for this...
cute couple
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just imagine.
10 months ago[DvS]unNzTuga
10 months ago[MoF]volkstyne
frozen for ramming ppl with a supply vehicle, the autistic fanboy chasing on the previous map is allowed though
10 months ago[RsQ]grima
Good gtat video, if you posted this in 2012 it could be the best gtat frag ever and you would become famous. (no joke)
10 months ago[cYs]zyph
10 months ago[MoF]painmaker
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU3PMNtjOWY why not show the part where youre ramming people with supply car
10 months ago[cYs]hin
shams died for this...
10 months ago[ox]osvaldo_gerson
cute couple
10 months ago