Most Respected Player
Darkweaver has won the 22.O1 season with a total of 98,364 respect points
Player 22O1 Darkweaver
Most Richest Player
Darkweaver has finished S22.O1 as the 3rd most richest player with $1,570,943
Won 22O1 Darkweaver
Most Frenzies Won
Darkweaver has finished S22.O1 with the most frenzies won (116)
Most Respected Player
Darkweaver has finished S22.O2 in 3rd place with a total of 65,786 respect points
Won 22O2 Darkweaver
Most Frenzies Won
Darkweaver has finished S22.O2 with the 2nd most frenzies won (51)
Won 22O2 Darkweaver
Most Duels Won
Darkweaver has finished S22.O2 with the 2nd most duels won (117)
Most Respected Player
Darkweaver has finished S22.O6 in 2nd place with a total of 93,146 respect points
Player 22O6 Darkweaver
Most Richest Player
Darkweaver has finished S22.O6 as the 2nd most richest player with $21,812,987
Wins 22O6 Darkweaver
Most Map Wins
Darkweaver has finished S22.O6 with the 3rd most map wins (top damage in 70 maps)
Won 22O6 Darkweaver
Most Frenzies Won
Darkweaver has finished S22.O6 with the 2nd most frenzies won (55)
Won 22O6 Darkweaver
Most Duels Won
Darkweaver has finished S22.O6 with the most duels won (32)
Won 23O4 Darkweaver
Most Frenzies Won
Darkweaver has finished S23.O4 with the 2nd most frenzies won (37)
Most Respected Player
Darkweaver has won the 23.O5 season with a total of 57,808 respect points
Player 23O5 Darkweaver
Most Richest Player
Darkweaver has finished S23.O5 as the richest player with $8,481,521
Won 23O5 Darkweaver
Most Frenzies Won
Darkweaver has finished S23.O5 with the most frenzies won (107)
Most Respected Player
Darkweaver has finished S24.O1 in 2nd place with a total of 95,593 respect points
Player 24O1 Darkweaver
Most Richest Player
Darkweaver has finished S24.O1 as the 2nd most richest player with $25,964,422
Won 24O1 Darkweaver
Most Frenzies Won
Darkweaver has finished S24.O1 with the most frenzies won (96)
Won 24O1 Darkweaver
Most Duels Won
Darkweaver has finished S24.O1 with the most duels won (11)
Most Respected Player
Darkweaver has won the 24.O2 season with a total of 56,488 respect points
Player 24O2 Darkweaver
Most Richest Player
Darkweaver has finished S24.O2 as the richest player with $13,738,420
Wins 24O2 Darkweaver
Most Map Wins
Darkweaver has finished S24.O2 with the most map wins (top damage in 71 maps)
Won 24O2 Darkweaver
Most Frenzies Won
Darkweaver has finished S24.O2 with the most frenzies won (28)
Most Respected Player
Darkweaver has finished S24.O3 in 3rd place with a total of 33,552 respect points
Player 24O3 Darkweaver
Most Richest Player
Darkweaver has finished S24.O3 as the 2nd most richest player with $7,817,993
Wins 24O3 Darkweaver
Most Map Wins
Darkweaver has finished S24.O3 with the 3rd most map wins (top damage in 35 maps)
Won 24O3 Darkweaver
Most Frenzies Won
Darkweaver has finished S24.O3 with the 2nd most frenzies won (32)
Most Respected Player
Darkweaver has won the 24.O4 season with a total of 131,260 respect points
Player 24O4 Darkweaver
Most Richest Player
Darkweaver has finished S24.O4 as the richest player with $42,591,134
Wins 24O4 Darkweaver
Most Map Wins
Darkweaver has finished S24.O4 with the 3rd most map wins (top damage in 125 maps)
Won 24O4 Darkweaver
Most Frenzies Won
Darkweaver has finished S24.O4 with the most frenzies won (113)
Won 24O4 Darkweaver
Most Duels Won
Darkweaver has finished S24.O4 with the 3rd most duels won (23)
Most Respected Player
Darkweaver has finished S24.O6 in 2nd place with a total of 13,301 respect points
Player 24O6 Darkweaver
Most Richest Player
Darkweaver has finished S24.O6 as the richest player with $2,713,828
Wins 24O6 Darkweaver
Most Map Wins
Darkweaver has finished S24.O6 with the 2nd most map wins (top damage in 21 maps)
Won 24O6 Darkweaver
Most Frenzies Won
Darkweaver has finished S24.O6 with the most frenzies won (18)
Most Respected Player
Darkweaver has finished S24.O7 in 2nd place with a total of 26,854 respect points
Player 24O7 Darkweaver
Most Richest Player
Darkweaver has finished S24.O7 as the richest player with $6,597,255
Wins 24O7 Darkweaver
Most Map Wins
Darkweaver has finished S24.O7 with the 2nd most map wins (top damage in 37 maps)
Won 24O7 Darkweaver
Most Frenzies Won
Darkweaver has finished S24.O7 with the most frenzies won (36)
Most Respected Player
Darkweaver has finished S24.O8 in 3rd place with a total of 5,308 respect points
Player 24O8 Darkweaver
Most Richest Player
Darkweaver has finished S24.O8 as the 3rd most richest player with $743,225
Won 24O8 Darkweaver
Most Frenzies Won
Darkweaver has finished S24.O8 with the 2nd most frenzies won (9)